Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Back from the Dead

Well I have not left a new post on here for a very long while. But I am back from the dead now and I don't have anything very interesting to share...

My bunny rabbit, Aiden, escaped from his cage yesterday. He was running around my back yard, but then he was GONE! I was so sad that he was lost forever. Much later that day, I was sitting in my garden with my gray kitten, Ellie-phant, and there was Aiden! I think he had a very fun day in the garden! It reminded me of my story, "Anticipating a White Rabbit". Except Aiden is brown! :)

Speaking of "Anticipating a White Rabbit", the sequel will be coming very soon!

I also have a few new photos! I hope your eyes enjoy them.

Friday, April 18, 2008

My Newest Story...

I love writing fanciful children's stories, and here is my newest! I call it "Anticipating a White Rabbit"

Little Avery paced back and forth in front of her window with orange flowery curtains.
'Oh', she thought to herself, 'I do so hope that Mr. Bunny will come see me again today!’
At that moment, a charming white rabbit hopped towards the window. He started munching some sweet, chewy grass.
“Why hello, Mr. Bunny!” Little Avery said as she opened the window with orange flowery curtains. “How are you this morning?”
The little rabbit looked up with his big brown eyes at the sound of her voice, but of course, he said nothing. “Oh Mr. Bunny, you are so charming.”
He stared at her for one more moment with his kind eyes, then started on the grass again.
Little Avery, however, was not disappointed at all. She just smiled and went into the kitchen to grab a white cupcake with pink icing. She also took a carrot.
When Little Avery returned to the window, the charming white rabbit with big brown eyes was gone.
'Oh no', she thought to herself, 'I guess I will just take these treats outside and wait for Mr. Bunny there.' And so she did. Little Avery had been sitting on the grass, eating her white cupcake with pink icing for about 6 minutes. The carrot still sat beside her.

rustle rustle rustle

She heard a sound coming from the blueberry bushes, and when she turned around, the charming white rabbit appeared.
“Oh, Mr. Bunny! Back so soon?” The charming rabbit only looked up at her with big, kind, brown eyes.
“Please come here, Mr. Bunny.” Little Avery said. “I have something for you.”
The white rabbit took two hops over. He stared at the carrot, then he stared at the girl. He looked at her, and his little rabbit mouth opened and he said “Is that carrot for me?” “Oh yes!” Said Little Avery, not at all surprised. And the charming white rabbit took a big, smiling bite.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hello, dears.

Today was such a warm, nice day! I usually prefer rain, but today was actually very nice at about 82 degrees. It made me think of summer...Oh, how wonderful summer is, and I can not wait until summer vacation!

Anyway, here are a couple of my new photographs. Hope you enjoy :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Home Sweet Home!

I am finally back from my trip and it is so good to be home! Its so wonderful to see all my animals! My precious kitties, Ellie, Mickey, Prince Charles, Toby:

My wonderful buddy Max: And my little turtle Martin:

As you may know, I went to Washington DC, New York, New Jersey, and Virginia (not to mention the ones we drove through). Both flights were awful. AWFUL! They were both late, service was horrible, and all the people who worked there, everywhere, were just mean. It made me very sad, but lets not dwell on the bad.

I had a lot of fun with my cousin from Virginia when we went into DC on our own. It was great! We went in the National Portrait Gallery and spent hours in there! It was quite beautiful. We walked around the city a lot, got lunch, and also went into China Town were I bought myself a darling little teapot, and I bought my mom an adorable box of white peony tea.

Washington DC:

my cousin

New York was of course, very cool, and very exhausting. So much walking, and lots of catching the underground trains too! It was a great experience. I walked around Times Square and Central Park of course, and I also went into Little Italy and China Town in lower Manhattan. I bought a beautiful (and cheap :D!) purple scarf that I adore and a charming little picture/drawing of a girl walking her dog in the city. I got it at a stand in Central Park.

New York City:

Not to mention my visit to Leesburg, Virginia which is an old historic town with many antique stores! Of course I had to pick up treasures there! I bought a charming vintage pendant from the 30's for only $6! And also this adorable little bird cage with a little blue wooden bird in it.

Here are my treasures!

From New York:

From China Town, Washington DC:

My antiques!:

Well, I'm pretty exhausted, but infortunately I must go work on homework :( Very sad indeed...
Goodbye for now!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm nuts! Absolutely crazy.

I mentioned before that even though I just completed re-doing my room, I wasn't exactly thrilled with it (because of the insane amount of posters on my wall). Well, I don't know what got into me, but last night I took EVERYTHING off of the walls. And started over! :0

So now I'm in the midst of redecorating my room (again). So when I finish, I'll definitely post pictures. I am almost finished, but I'm waiting until after I come back from back from the east coast to see if I have any new treasures to add.


Next subject. I think that today I will walk over to a used bookstore that is very close to my home. Maybe I'll find some goody to read on the plane tomorrow. Uh-oh, which I still haven't packed for! So I guess I have to do that too...

Well, I'll definitely be back later today with news about any treats I found at the used bookstore, and for a last goodbye before I'm off to my trip!

This is my sweet little Maximus who I will miss unendingly on my trip! :(

Monday, April 7, 2008

This morning

So I woke up this morning and remembered with great glee that it is my first official day of spring break! I came downstairs and made my nifty little header that you now see on my page. The background is one of my favorite photos that I've done. I hope it pleases your eyes.

For the rest of my day, I don't have much planned. I have to go see who is helping me get rid of a little bit of depression that I have. Its actually going surprisingly well.

Then I guess I will be packing for my trip that I'm leaving for on Wednesday. New York, here I come!

I call this photo "If You Only Knew"

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Wow. I hate to sound all...cheesy...but I'm excited. I'm excited to have a place to talk about myself. No really, I'm a little too excited. Well, this is my first, um, entry?, and I'm already boring myself to sleep. So I guess I'll just provide a link to my photography gallery... Oh, and here's a couple of my newest photos. I left them quite small, but you should check out the full sizes on my gallery.

In other news, I am finally on spring break! Hurray! And the best part is...I'm leaving to go back east on Wednesday! I'm going to New York, New Jersey, Washington DC, and Virginia! I am in a state of beyond happiness.

In more news, I went antique shoppin' today! One of my favorite things to do of all time.
I didn't score majorly today, but I did manage to find a couple special items.
One is this charming little jar. These pictures don't do it justice, but you'll get the gist of it. And sorry about the awful lighting!

I also found this great, vintage My Little Pony. I've always had an infatuation with My Little Pony's and it was so exciting to find an old one! If anyone knows the name of this pony, please share. And again, sorry for the icky picture and icky lighting!

In more other news (I have lots of news today!), my bedroom is finally finished! Hurray hurray! The only thing I regret about it, is that this time around I was NOT planning on covering the entirety of my walls with posters. I wanted it more simple, and yet I ended up doing the same thing I did to my walls before....Why did I paint it again? Oh well, if I'm ever completely energized and can't sleep or something, than I will work on rearranging and taking down posters. My room does sort of look a little...immature?...with all the posters.